Saturday, May 26, 2007

I thought...

...but things went different

I thought I would post my thoughts on the movie Periyar in Cosmic Consciousness, but somehow this link did not happen that time when I logged in. But now I see that C-C is listed in my blog too. It is because of the shift to Google. So a post on what made Periyar the person that he was, is the latest on my Aksharam.

I have quite a few things to say. One is that I have started a blog called .soulmate. A site where I will be writing about the events related to spirituality happening in Chennai, as much as I can cover with pictures.

In my regular blog Aksharam, I'll continue to post my own thoughts and ideas, with pictures, as I have done before.

There is another blog which I recently started. It is a news blog between the lines and around too. This will have articles about the news stories that I write in The Hindu, with further insights and links to the published article and additional photographs that I have taken. I look forward to dropping in here often with more posts.

Any suggestions, members of Cosmic Consciousness may keep in touch with me at

Thank You.